CANTALOUPES 12CT Cantaloupes are small to medium-sized melons that have a beige-green, rough, firm, lightly textured skin, while other melons bear a pale beige-grey, netted or webbed exterior over a light green to tan, thin rind. Cantaloupes are a great source of vitamins A, C, and beta-carotene while also having lower amounts of fiber, potassium…



Cantaloupes are small to medium-sized melons that have a beige-green, rough, firm, lightly textured skin, while other melons bear a pale beige-grey, netted or webbed exterior over a light green to tan, thin rind. Cantaloupes are a great source of vitamins A, C, and beta-carotene while also having lower amounts of fiber, potassium and vitamin B6. It is recommended to scrub and wash the rind with soap and water to remove harmful bacteria, and once cleaned, the Cantaloupe can be sliced into cubes or wedges. After removing the seeds from the center cavity, they can be cleaned, roasted, and dried. Whole, unwashed Cantaloupes should be left at room temperature to ripen for up to three days. Once ripened, the melons should be consumed as soon as possible for the best quality and flavor. After slicing, they can be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed container for up to three days.

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